Please note we have recently had an upgrade on our Mobile App. if you are not set up on auto update for your apps, you will need to go to the Apple Store or Google and reload the newest version of the Solidarity Mobile App.
With Financial Alerts you can be notified when your direct deposit is credited to your account, your balances change, when your account has been logged into, any contact changes and much more. These alerts will be sent to your email or cell phone number that you have registered with Solidarity through Online Banking or Mobile Banking.
To check and register your preferred email and/or phone number. Open the Solidary Mobile App, open the menu by the clicking the ☰ in the top left. Find the Manage Alerts option.
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* Web access is needed to use Mobile Banking. Check with your wireless carrier for fees that may apply. All terms applicable to Online Banking apply to Mobile Banking. Solidarity does not charge for Text Banking, however, your mobile service provider may charge for sending and receiving text messages on your mobile phone. Check with your service provider for details on specific fees and charges that may apply.