Are you on active duty or a Veteran? We have the perfect home loan for you!
Requirements & Features:
Owner occupied only
15 & 30 year Fixed Rate mortgages
One time VA funding fee that can be financed
No monthly mortgage insurance
100% financing available on purchases and refinances
Note: There are other groups of individuals who may be eligible. To determine eligibility check eBenefits at:, or contact the VA Eligibility Center at 1-888-768-2132 Some restrictions may apply.
Under this program, a borrower who meets the income, credit, and property qualifications of Rural Development can obtain a loan with absolutely no money down!
How It Works:
Ability to finance closing costs & prepaids in the mortgage
Not limited to First Time Home Buyers
30 year fixed rate first mortgage
Property must be located within a designated rural area as determined by Rural Development.
No down payment required!
Some restrictions may apply.
Owner occupied only
15 & 30 year Fixed Mortgage rates
Not limited to First Time Home Buyer
3.5% down payment
Some restrictions may apply.