Checking and Savings Rates

Checking and Savings Rates

Rates effective as of 10/01/24
TypeAPYMin. Open Bal.Min. Bal. To Avoid FeeDividend CompoundedDividend Period
Checking Accounts
Advantage CheckingQualified accounts earn 4.00% APY up to $20,000 and 0.40% APY above $20,000. Non-qualified accounts will earn .02% APY.$25.00$0.00MonthlyMonthly
55+ Checking  $25.00$0.00  
Classic Checking $25.00$1,000.00  
Solid Interest Checking0.09%$25.00$2,500.00MonthlyMonthly
Savings Accounts
Primary Savings & Special Savings $5.00$5.00MonthlyMonthly
$0 - $1000.10%    
$101 - $10000.10%    
$1,001 and above0.10%    
IRA Shares   MonthlyMonthly
$0 - $25,0001.35%    
$25,001 & above1.60%    
Money Market
$0 - $2,5000.60%  MonthlyMonthly
$2,500 - $24,9990.90%    
$25,000 - $49,9991.20%    
$50,000 - $99,9991.40%    
$100,000 & above1.60%    
Vacation Club0.10%  MonthlyMonthly
Christmas Club0.10%  MonthlyMonthly

Rate and Fee Schedule above sets forth certain conditions, rates, fees and charges applicable to your savings accounts at the Credit Union at this time. The Credit Union may offer other rates and fees or amend the rates and fees contained in this schedule from time to time.

Each account holder agrees to the terms set forth on this Rate and Fee Schedule and acknowledges that it is a part of the terms and conditions.

The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yields for each account offered by the Credit Union are effective as of the effective date indicated on this schedule. For Savings and Checking the Rate and Yield may change. Account fees may reduce earnings.
